September 2021 1 13 Report
I. Choose the right adverbial modifier of time:

1) She is watching TV.

a) right now b) for two days c) every day

2) She watches TV.

a) since morning b) now c) every day

3) She has watched TV.

a) just b) yesterday c) now

4) They are singing in karaoke.

a) just b) yesterday c) now

5) It has rained.

a) since morning b) now c) every day

6) Cats walk by themselves.

a) always b) for two days c) now

II. Match the correct translation:

1) translate

2) have translated

3) am translating

a) перевел (уже) b) перевожу (вообще) c) перевожу (сейчас)

4) swim

5) is swimming

6) have swum

a) поплавал (только что) b) плаваю (регулярно) с) плаваю (сейчас)

III. Choose the right variant. Translate the sentence:

1) Солнце поднимается на востоке.

a) is rising b) rises c) have risen

2) Я не была в Сочи с 9 лет.

a) wasn't b) am not c) have not been

3) Он выучил все правила и написал слова.

a) is learning and writing b) has learnt and wrote c) learns and writes

4) Сейчас я хожу по магазинам.

a) do shopping b) am doing shopping c) has done shopping

5) Вы читали когда-нибудь “Фауста” Гетте?

a) do you read b) are you reading c) have you read

6) Майк, чем ты занимаешься? Убери плеер.

a) have you done b) are you doing c) do you do

Сравните употребление Present Simple и Present Continuous

IV. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Simple or Present Continuous:

1. I (not to drink) coffee now. I (to write) an SMS.

2. I (not to drink) coffee in the evening. I drink it in the morning to wake myself up.

3. In England it (to rain) more often than (to snow).

4. It (to rain) now. Take umbrellas and let's go for a walk!

5. Look! The baby (to sleep). He is so cute!

6. The baby always (to sleep) after dinner.

7. How often you (to meet) your childhood friend?

8. We (to meet) our friends from Tokyo now, I'll call you later!

9. Excuse me, you (to speak) English? What way is to the nearest money changer?

10. I can't understand a word. I think they (to speak) Spanish.

11. Plains (to fly) to Cuba every Tuesday.

12. We (to fly) to Cuba now! Say hello to the sun and white beaches!
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