Составьте предложения.
a) small chairs / in the room /there are.
b) in your flat / a bathroom / is there /?/
c) are there / at the door /nice pictures /?/
IV. Разделить слова на группы
1) комнаты 2) мебель
Hall, picture, piano, bedroom, table, carpet, living room, sofa, armchair, kitchen, shelf, pantry,
V. Уберите лишнее слово в каждой строке:
living room, sofa, armchair
hall, picture, piano
bedroom, table, carpet
kitchen, shelf, pantry
VI. Заполни пропуски
H_ll, she_f, bedr_om, pi_no, pict_re, so_a, la_p, kitch_n, wind_w
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
a) small chairs / in the room /there are.
There are small chairs in the room.
b) in your flat / a bathroom / is there /?/
Is there a bathroom in your flat?
c) are there / at the door /nice pictures /?/
Are there nice pictures at the door?
IV. Разделить слова на группы
1) комнаты: hall, bedroom, living room,
kitchen, pantry
2) мебель: table, carpet, picture, piano, sofa, armchair, shelf, lamp.
V. Уберите лишнее слово в каждой строке:
living room, sofa, armchair
▪︎Лишнее: living room
hall, picture, piano
▪︎Лишнее: hall
bedroom, table, carpet
▪︎Лишнее: bedroom
kitchen, shelf, pantry
▪︎Лишнее: shelf
VI. Заполни пропуски
HAll, sheLf, bedrOom, piAno, pictUre, soFa, laMp, kitchEn, windOw