Anatoly Beliy, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Katerina Spitz, Ivan Makarevich, Alexander Fisenko, Sergey Pyskepalis, Anfisa Вистингаузен (простите не смогу написать на английском),Alexey Bardukov.
What's the plot?
Spread widely in the center of Moscow, building new buldings leads to the fact that in one of the subway tunnel between two stations there is crack. No one couldn't imagine that water will gush out of the Moscow River, and hundreds of passengers will be at the mercy of water. This threatens destruction of city.
Answers & Comments
Genre: thriller,drama
Film running lenght: 2 hours 12 min
Release: 21 February 2013
Directed by: Anton Megerdicheb
Countru: Russia
Who in it?
Anatoly Beliy, Svetlana Khodchenkova, Katerina Spitz, Ivan Makarevich, Alexander Fisenko, Sergey Pyskepalis, Anfisa Вистингаузен (простите не смогу написать на английском),Alexey Bardukov.
What's the plot?
Spread widely in the center of Moscow, building new buldings leads to the fact that in one of the subway tunnel between two stations there is crack. No one couldn't imagine that water will gush out of the Moscow River, and hundreds of passengers will be at the mercy of water. This threatens destruction of city.
P.s делала как знала, может быть не правильно))