August 2022 1 37 Report
Many years ago, a cruel man called Gessler ruled over the people of shot in air. It Switzerland. The people did not like Gessler and they were afraid of him. chee One day, Gessler's men put up a pole in the town square and put his hat on Wh the top of it. Gessler gave orders that every man who came into the town Will must bow down in front of the hat. Everyone obeyed because they were ey afraid Gessler might kill them. There was one man, though, who was not a afraid. This brave man's name was William Tell. When he saw the hat, he stood in front of it and laughed: "I will not bow down to this wicked man!' When Gessler heard of this, he was really angry. He decided to punish William Tell . Everyone knew that William Tell could shoot with a bow and arrow better than anyone. Gessler ordered William Tell's son to stand in the town square with an apple on his head. He then told William Tell that he must hit the apple with just one shot of an arrow! "If you don't hit the apple' said Gessler, 'my men will kill the boy right in front of you!крч Геслера илли как там крч его нужно описать пжжж быстрооо​
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