July 2023 1 7 Report
30 балів! Choose the correct item.

1 A: Someone from the jeweller's delivered this package for you.
B: It will/can be the earrings I've ordered for my mum.

2 A: The local beach is really dirty.
B: We need/should organise a clean-up day.

3 A: Why didn't Joe come to the festival yesterday?
B: He must/had to stay home and babysit for his little sister.

4 A: Do you need any help with dinner?
B: Yes. Could/Might you lay the table, please?

5 A: Is your mum letting you go to the dance?
B: Yes, but she says I will/have to be home by 11:00.

6 A: I'm taking the empty bottles to the recycling centre.
B: You needn't/didn't need to do that. A council lorry picks them up every Monday

7 A: What are you reading?
B: An article that says humans would/might set up colonies on the moon one day

8 A: I'd like to become more active in helping the environment.
B: You can/may join Greenpeace.

9 A: I heard Joseph locked himself outside his house yesterday.
B: Yes, but he was able to/could get in through a window he'd left open.

10 A: John always donates part of his salary to a charity for the homeless.
B: Good for him. We needn't/shouldn't neglect the people who are in need.

11 A: Isn't Alex coming on the hiking trip?
B: No, he's broken his leg and he mustn't/can't walk.

12 A: Shall/May I ask you to do me a favour?
B: Of course. What do you need?
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