Modern teenagers are more and more interested in sport.
варіанти відповідей
true false
Запитання 2
Doctors are afraid that in future people will have poor health.
варіанти відповідей
true false
Запитання 3
Modern kids prefer virtual games to real sports.
варіанти відповідей
true false
Запитання 4
Students can always try a variety of games and activities at PE class-
es at their school.
варіанти відповідей
true false
Запитання 5
A lifestyle with lack of physical activity can cause health problems.
варіанти відповідей
true false
Answers & Comments
Doctors are afraid that in future people will have poor health.
Modern kids prefer virtual games to real sports
Students can always try a variety of games and activities at PE class-
A lifestyle with lack of physical activity can cause health problems.