To be a teen for me means trying many different things. You may try something new againg and again because you are full of energy and enthusiasm. You may discover your own hidden talents. This is the brightest period of life. Being a teen for me is being emotional and brave. It is time for adventures which you'll tell about to your kids. I think teens should enjoy their life because they haven't faced serious problems yet and they don't need to make difficult decisions like adults.
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To be a teen for me means trying many different things. You may try something new againg and again because you are full of energy and enthusiasm. You may discover your own hidden talents. This is the brightest period of life. Being a teen for me is being emotional and brave. It is time for adventures which you'll tell about to your kids. I think teens should enjoy their life because they haven't faced serious problems yet and they don't need to make difficult decisions like adults.