1.Russians drivers move on the right hand side of the road.
2.The speed limit for cars in towns is 60 km per hour, on motorways – 110 km per hour.
3.The minimum age to drive a car is 18 years old.
4.Always wear your seat belt both in front and back seats.
5.Children under the age of 12 must not travel in the front seat.
6.Speaking on a mobile phone when you drive a car is illegal.
7.Crossing a double white line is illegal.
8.If there are no traffic lights at pedestrian crossings pedestrians have the right of way.
9.In winter your car must have winter tyres.
10.No alcohol is allowed for drivers.
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Answers & Comments
1.Russians drivers move on the right hand side of the road.
2.The speed limit for cars in towns is 60 km per hour, on motorways – 110 km per hour.
3.The minimum age to drive a car is 18 years old.
4.Always wear your seat belt both in front and back seats.
5.Children under the age of 12 must not travel in the front seat.
6.Speaking on a mobile phone when you drive a car is illegal.
7.Crossing a double white line is illegal.
8.If there are no traffic lights at pedestrian crossings pedestrians have the right of way.
9.In winter your car must have winter tyres.
10.No alcohol is allowed for drivers.