1.Отрицательная форма: They will not come to me in time. Вопросительная форма: Will they come to me in time?
2. Отр.ф: She will not help you with the homework. В.ф: Will she help you with the homework?
3. Отр.ф: I will not write a letter tomorrow. В.ф: Will i write a letter tomorrow?
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Answers & Comments
1.Отрицательная форма: They will not come to me in time. Вопросительная форма: Will they come to me in time?
2. Отр.ф: She will not help you with the homework. В.ф: Will she help you with the homework?
3. Отр.ф: I will not write a letter tomorrow. В.ф: Will i write a letter tomorrow?