Today is the 19th of January, 2015, and it is partly cloudy. It is going to be three degrees Celsius below zero in the daytime and just one degree colder at night.
On the 21st of January it will be cloudy all day long and we expect heavy snowfalls with temperatures about minus three in the daytime and minus five at night.
January 25th will be a bit colder but it is going to be partly sunny with no wind.
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Today is the 19th of January, 2015, and it is partly cloudy. It is going to be three degrees Celsius below zero in the daytime and just one degree colder at night.
On the 21st of January it will be cloudy all day long and we expect heavy snowfalls with temperatures about minus three in the daytime and minus five at night.
January 25th will be a bit colder but it is going to be partly sunny with no wind.