написать пять вещей, которые могут случиться с вами в будущем, если вы изучаете английский пж срочно нужно
1. I will be able to go abroad.
2. I will be able to start my own business somewhere in America
3. I will be able to communicate with people from different countries.
4. I will be able to marry the foreigner
5.I will be able to find a good job with good salary
Если нужен будет перевод- в личку
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Answers & Comments
1. I will be able to go abroad.
2. I will be able to start my own business somewhere in America
3. I will be able to communicate with people from different countries.
4. I will be able to marry the foreigner
5.I will be able to find a good job with good salary
Если нужен будет перевод- в личку