Profession, "fireman" - a veryancient,and in a waydifferent from allothers.Firefightersworkin an ever-changing andoftenvolatile environment.In a burningbuildingin need of rescuemay lack thenormal structural integrity, and the meansof access,such as stairsand elevatorscanbe dangerousbecause of the fire.The workis oftenstrenuous andmanysituations requirethe use ofspecialized personal protectiveequipment.Firecan causeto workin a variety ofemergency situations suchas traffic accidents,industrial disasters, floods,earthquakes, civilunrest,hazardous chemical or hazardousmaterials,aviation and maritimeaccidents.
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Profession, "fireman" - a very ancient, and in a way different from all others. Firefighters work in an ever-changing and often volatile environment. In a burning building in need of rescue may lack the normal structural integrity, and the means of access, such as stairs and elevators can be dangerous because of the fire. The work is often strenuous and many situations require the use of specialized personal protective equipment. Fire can cause to work in a variety of emergency situations such as traffic accidents, industrial disasters, floods, earthquakes, civil unrest, hazardous chemical or hazardous materials, aviation and maritime accidents.