Two brotherson a blackChevrolet Impalaromparound the country anddestroy theevil spiritscame to hand.Vampiresandghosts, demons andeven theordinary peoplewho choose toindulge inblack magic,are the maincustomersof ourcouples."Butwe've seenthisa thousand times!" -You say,and beabsolutely right: it is enoughto recall theagentsMulder andScullyfrom "The X-Files" orBuffythe Vampire Slayer.But"Supernatural"deserves special attentionof fansof mysticalstories.Charismaticcharacters,suspenseful plot,humor andself-irony isrelevanthere,allin abundance.
Answers & Comments
Two brothers on a black Chevrolet Impala romp around the country and destroy the evil spirits came to hand. Vampires and ghosts, demons and even the ordinary people who choose to indulge in black magic, are the main customers of our couples. "But we've seenthis a thousand times!" - You say, and be absolutely right: it is enough to recall the agentsMulder and Scully from "The X-Files" or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. But "Supernatural"deserves special attention of fans of mystical stories. Charismatic characters, suspenseful plot, humor and self-irony is relevant here, all in abundance.
from TimFaddy for KayumovaL