July 2022 1 18 Report

Напишите предложения в Past Indefinite; сохраняя вопросительную или
отрицательную форму предложения.
1. Do they agree?..................
2. They don't drive................................
3. When do they?.........................

4. Where do they work?
5. Do you understand?
6. I don't know......................
7. He doesn't like it..............
8. What do you think?..............
9. She doesn't live here.........
10. How much does it cost?
11. When do you get up?............
12.1 don't swim......................
13. She doesn't speak Spanish
14. We don't yn.ders.ta

15.When do they leave?............
16. When does he go to school?.............
17. Do you like Gennany?...............
IS. When do you go out?........................
19. She doesn't smoke.............
20. He doesn't know...............

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