Напишите сочинение на тему, что такое бюджет и для чего он нужен (не больше 10 предложений)
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olgalucky9Many people think that itis something connected with the big business and has nothing to do with them. Somebelieve that it is an unpleasant activity when you are trying to save money andeconomise on essentials. This is not really true but this is the reason whymany attempts to plan budgets fail.Think of budgeting as managing your money. Theaim of it is not to make you feel unhappy and your life uncomfortable. Yourbudget can be a guide to help you manage the money you get. You have your pocket money and you have someexpenses — without proper allocation of the money you may not have enough forwhat you are planning to buy. Personal budget helps to solve this problem.Budgeting involves understanding how much money you have and how much money youspend over a period of time. When you create a budget, you are creating a planfor spending and saving money. For many people it is a difficult thing to savemoney. The following tips may help you organise your personal budget.
Answers & Comments
You have your pocket money and you have someexpenses — without proper allocation of the money you may not have enough forwhat you are planning to buy. Personal budget helps to solve this problem.Budgeting involves understanding how much money you have and how much money youspend over a period of time. When you create a budget, you are creating a planfor spending and saving money. For many people it is a difficult thing to savemoney. The following tips may help you organise your personal budget.