Elephant.Elephantsare the largestanimalson Earth.They have ashort neckand a longtrunk oftwopairs of legsand tail.In countrieswhere there areelephants(Africaand India),they help people: they areharnessedto the plow,usedfor transportation ofcargo and,as a securetransport.Nofestive"dressed up",decoratedelephants do notdo anypageantin the days ofnational holidays.
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Elephant. Elephants are the largest animals on Earth. They have a short neck and a long trunk of two pairs of legs and tail. In countries where there are elephants (Africa and India), they help people: they are harnessed to the plow, used for transportation of cargo and, as a secure transport. No festive "dressed up", decoratedelephants do not do any pageant in the days of national holidays.