Настоящее продолженное время (Present Continuous Tense)
Упражнение 1: Постройте предложения, используя глаголы в скобках в Present Continuous.
Now it’s 7 o’clock. My brother _____ (to get up).
We _____ (to go) to the cinema now.
He (to go) to the theatre tonight (сегодня вечером).
I am busy now. I (to write) to my parents.
Look! Nick _____ (to play) football!
They (to have) classes at this moment.
He is on watch now. He _____ (to navigate) the ship.
Listen! He (to tell) about his voyages.
Listen! She _____ (to play) the piano.
We _____ (to call) at the port now.
We (to have) a rest at this moment.
They _____ (to have) their holiday now.
We _____ (to sail) on board ship. We (to have) a
good time.
It (to get) colder now.
Our liner (to put) to sea at this moment.
He is busy. He _____ (to revise) the radiogram.
Упражнение 2: Задайте общий вопрос к каждому предложению.
They are discussing the latest news. _______________________
We are listening to the records now.
He is revising grammar rules now.
She is watching a film in English.
He is retelling the text.
We are sailing on board a passenger liner. __________________
They are waiting for their master.
We are speaking English now.
They are playing basketball now.
He is looking at the blackboard.
They are having classes now.
He is revising some poems (стихотворения) now. __________
She is learning some rules. _____________________________
The lesson is beginning.
My father is looking through the newspaper. ____________________
Упражнение 3: измените следующие предложения, используя отрицание.
The cadet is reporting to the teacher now. ____________________
We are having a grammar test now.
He is navigating the ship now.
He is reading a maritime journal.
They are listening to the radio.
The ship is calling at the port.
We are entering the classroom.
The teacher is asking some questions. _____________________
We are having some classes.
They are revising some notes.
She is having breakfast now.
He is collecting some things for college. __________________
They are speaking English now.
I am repairing the car.
We are defining the ship’s position. ______________________
The ship is putting to sea tomorrow. ______________________
He is speaking to his teacher.
They are transmitting radio-telegrams. ____________________
She is writing a letter.
He is working at the port.
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