First of all, if you live on a shoestring budget you have to find a good-paying job. You should record all your expenses. Every time you should think over purchases. It is better to pay cash than pay by credit card. It will be better if you make a shopping list where there will be only necessary things. It will help you to avoid buying unnecessaries. If you need to buy some valuable and significant things such as a new TV set, you should put aside money. Also you can go to the bank and open a savings account.
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How to save money reasonably
First of all, if you live on a shoestring budget you have to find a good-paying job. You should record all your expenses. Every time you should think over purchases. It is better to pay cash than pay by credit card. It will be better if you make a shopping list where there will be only necessary things. It will help you to avoid buying unnecessaries. If you need to buy some valuable and significant things such as a new TV set, you should put aside money. Also you can go to the bank and open a savings account.