Небольшой текст про какого-нибудь ученого на английском языке. В 6 приложений.
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В изучении природы он был последователем Бекона Веруламского, противником схоластической философии и давал предпочтение опыту перед умозрением; иногда это направление мешало ему делать обобщения смысла замеченных им явлений. Весьма важный физический закон сжатия газов, который носит теперь его имя (закон Бойля - Мариотта), остался бы, может быть, незамеченным Бойлем, если б не первоначальное указание его ученика Ричарда Таунли на правильность сжатия газов с увеличением давления в опытах Бойля. ПО АНГЛИЙСКИ: In the study of nature , he was a follower of Bacon of Verulam , opponent scholastic philosophy and gave preference to the experience of speculation ; sometimes this direction prevented him from making a generalized sense of the phenomena seen . A very important physical law compression of gases, which now bears his name ( Boyle - Mariotte ) would remain , perhaps unnoticed Boyle , if not the original designation of his pupil Richard Townley for proper compression of gases with increasing pressure in the experiments Boyle
Альберт Эйнштейн — великий физик, один из основателей современной теоретической физики, получил Нобелевскую премию 1921 года. Жил в Германии, Швейцарии, США. Автор около 150 книг и статей по истории и философии. Он разработал много важных физических теорий. Он выступал против ядерной войны, за гуманизм, уважение прав человека. Sir Albert Enistein is great physicist. He is one of founders of modern theoretical physics.He had The Nobel award on 1921. He lived in Germany, Switzerland & USA. He is author of over 150 books on History & Phylosophy. He developed a lot of teories. He spoke out against Nuclear war, but for Humanism & respecting of Human rights.
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In the study of nature , he was a follower of Bacon of Verulam , opponent scholastic philosophy and gave preference to the experience of speculation ; sometimes this direction prevented him from making a generalized sense of the phenomena seen . A very important physical law compression of gases, which now bears his name ( Boyle - Mariotte ) would remain , perhaps unnoticed Boyle , if not the original designation of his pupil Richard Townley for proper compression of gases with increasing pressure in the experiments Boyle
Sir Albert Enistein is great physicist. He is one of founders of modern theoretical physics.He had The Nobel award on 1921. He lived in Germany, Switzerland & USA. He is author of over 150 books on History & Phylosophy. He developed a lot of teories. He spoke out against Nuclear war, but for Humanism & respecting of Human rights.