Найдите в разговоре указания, в которых не использованы must/must not, и напишите их, используя must / must not / need not. Don't
worry , Mom. He get two hours. No, not really. Rob bag isn't heavy. OK,
mommy, where do we start? There are so many of them. Where Rob is the
flight? Look at the information Board. What is the flight number? He
British Airways flight 345. It is not a quick. There are long queues at
Heathrow. Now run and join the queue. I'm ready, Mother? No, you are
not. - Not yet. Oh, really. I think I have a bottle of water in my
backpack. And these sandwiches? Sandwiches OK. OK, them. Now, go and be
careful. Don't miss your flight? Do not leave your bag behind! Have a
great time in Russia! Good-Bye, Mother! Good-Bye, Mark! (напишите то что можно образовать с помощью must / must not / need not).
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