You have to do exercises if you want a healthy body and mind.
Studying is hard, but it will help you improve your scores and become smarter in general.
Drinking water is really important for your skin
Tell your friends and siblings that you love them more often, it is really important for them to know.
Don't work too hard - it can cause an overwhelming and stress.
Не полезные:
You don't need to be polite and civil if someone is annoying you.
Eat sugar food more often because it is so tasty!
Don't read the book if you can watch a film based on it.
If you don't want to do something but your friend is pushing you - do it anyway.
Useful advice (полезные советы)
1) Keep fit and take care of your health during your being young
2) Be kind to other people if you want to take kindness from others
3) Plan your day and follow it, but don`t forget about time for relaxing
4) Improve yourself like a personality (read books, find master-classes, study something new)
5) Appreciate parents and close people while you can do it and be not far away
Unuseful advice (не полезные советы)
1) Never heed the parent`sor teacher`s advice
2) Enjoy your life, try everything, eat junky food,relax and find entertainment for yourself, studying can wait
3) Start smoking and drinking, it`s cool and you will look like an adult
4) Be rude because you are cool
Полезные советы:
1) Береги фигуру и заботься о здоровье пока ты молод
2) будь добрым к людям если хочешь получать добро от других
3) планируй свой день и следуй ему, но не забывай об отдыхе
4) развивай себя как личность (читай, найди мастер классы, выучи что-то новое)
5) цени родителей и близких людей пока ты можешь и пока ты находишься не так далеко от них
Неполезные советы:
1) никогда не прислушивайся к совету родителей и учителей
2) наслаждайся жизнью, пробуй все, ешь вредную еду, расслабься и найди развлечения, учеба подождет
3) начни курить и пить, это круто и ты будешь выглядеть взрослым
4) будь грубым, это круто
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Answers & Comments
You have to do exercises if you want a healthy body and mind.
Studying is hard, but it will help you improve your scores and become smarter in general.
Drinking water is really important for your skin
Tell your friends and siblings that you love them more often, it is really important for them to know.
Don't work too hard - it can cause an overwhelming and stress.
Не полезные:
You don't need to be polite and civil if someone is annoying you.
Eat sugar food more often because it is so tasty!
Don't read the book if you can watch a film based on it.
If you don't want to do something but your friend is pushing you - do it anyway.
Useful advice (полезные советы)
1) Keep fit and take care of your health during your being young
2) Be kind to other people if you want to take kindness from others
3) Plan your day and follow it, but don`t forget about time for relaxing
4) Improve yourself like a personality (read books, find master-classes, study something new)
5) Appreciate parents and close people while you can do it and be not far away
Unuseful advice (не полезные советы)
1) Never heed the parent`sor teacher`s advice
2) Enjoy your life, try everything, eat junky food,relax and find entertainment for yourself, studying can wait
3) Start smoking and drinking, it`s cool and you will look like an adult
4) Be rude because you are cool
Полезные советы:
1) Береги фигуру и заботься о здоровье пока ты молод
2) будь добрым к людям если хочешь получать добро от других
3) планируй свой день и следуй ему, но не забывай об отдыхе
4) развивай себя как личность (читай, найди мастер классы, выучи что-то новое)
5) цени родителей и близких людей пока ты можешь и пока ты находишься не так далеко от них
Неполезные советы:
1) никогда не прислушивайся к совету родителей и учителей
2) наслаждайся жизнью, пробуй все, ешь вредную еду, расслабься и найди развлечения, учеба подождет
3) начни курить и пить, это круто и ты будешь выглядеть взрослым
4) будь грубым, это круто