нужно записать 5 предложений по английски в вопросительной и отрицательной форме 1.Мой брат нарисовал рисунок. 2.Мы перевели 10 предложений. 3.Мама написала мне письмо. 4.Ты читала эту книгу. 5 Где они вчера гуляли.
Answers & Comments
my brother draw a picture. we translate a ten verbs. mother write My letter. you read this is a book. where they yesterday walk?
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My brother not draw a picture. Are you brother draw a picture?
We not translate a ten verbs. Are you translate a ten verbs?
My brother not draw a picture. Are you brother draw a picture? We not translate a ten verbs. Are you translate a ten verbs? Mother not write to me letter. Are you mother write you letter? You not read this a book. Are you read this a book? Where they walked yesterday?
Answers & Comments
we translate a ten verbs.
mother write My letter.
you read this is a book.
where they yesterday walk?
We not translate a ten verbs. Are you translate a ten verbs?
Mother not write to me letter. Are you mother write you letter?
You not read this a book. Are you read this a book?
Where they walked yesterday?