Образовать прилагательные с отрицательной приставкой, заполнить пропуски так, чтобы прилагательные лексически подходили по смыслу
successful, perfect, appropriate, expensive, legal, moral, believable,
honest, formal, comfortable, sincere, regular
1. He made an___attempt to climb the highest mountain in the range.
2. The goods were___from.
and had to be returned to the store we bought them
3. The dress she was wearing was quite___for the occasion.
4. The train tickets didn't cost very much. They were___
5. Killing another person is usually___and___
6. It snowed yesterday and it's August! It's___
7. As a politician he was___and it was not long before nobody trusted him.
8. These parties are almost always___there is no dress code.
9. They were sitting in a very___position.
10. John said he was___sorry, but they were sure that he was 11. The teacher told his students to learn fifteen___verbs.
Answers & Comments
1. unsuccessful
2. uncomfortable
5. illegal, immoral
6. unbelievable
К сожалению, все что знаю
2. imperfect
3. inappropriate
4. inexpensive
5. illegal, immoral
6. unbelievable
7. dishonest
8. informal
9. uncomfortable
10. insincere
11. irregular