Очень нужна простая помощь, написать маленькое сочинение на тему "Why are friends important to you?" - Почему друзья важны для тебя
Сочинение маленькое, предложений 10 - макс 20
Пожалуйста не надо никаких списываний из интернета , я сам те находил но там не то
Также прошу не вставлять никаких историй из жизни, типо у меня есть друг Стёпа \ Подруга Маша.
Answers & Comments
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Friendship is purelypersonal. Everyone understands it in its own way. Some believes that if yougive somebody to copy a test, you are friends. For others, the concept offriendship is much more wider. For me friendship is very important. I believethat acquaintances can be any number, and only few close friends. Afriend is your second "I", you have common interests, one state ofmind and a great desire to protect, to help, to support.That's why I am slow in choosing a friend, and I am slower inchanging him.
I thinkeveryone should have a friend, because friendship makes us kinder. We becomemore responsible, caring and helpful. I have a few friends, we spend our freetime together, help each other in difficult times.