ong. nd hair a have b. has short, brown hair 2. My sister a. have b. has 3. You beautiful hair a have b. has wavy, black hair 4. Mana a have bhas short hair 5. Thao and a have bhas 6. We a new English class a have bhas 7. It long hair a have b has 8. He many sisters and brothers, a have b. has yellow pencils 9. They a. have b. has 10 a red car You a. have bhas
Answers & Comments
I have
My sister has
Maria has
Thao and I have
We have
It has
He has
They have
You have
Во времени present simple, с местоимениями 3го лица (he, she, it) и именами, заменяющими их (Marina-she), используются глаголы с окончанием s, в том числе has, с остальными - глаголы без изменений