Ответить на вопросы: 1)Why do you learn English? 2)what classroom activities do you like most of all? 3)What activities are you good at? 4) Where can you use your knowledge of English outside the classroom? 5)What things can help you learn English?
Answers & Comments
1)The English language is now the first language of about 350 million people, the native language of 12 nations and the official language of more than 33 nations. It means that one of seven people in the world speaks English.So...I think this is a big reason for study this language.In future I will have a lot of communication with different people from different countries and I should know common language. 2)Это сам,я не знаю что тебе нравится) 3)Тоже самое 4)I can use my english for reading foreign websites and literature.For speaking with people from different countries. 5)In my opinion,practicing of the speaking with native speakers is the most helpful development of my english.And also is helpful reading of english books.And of course watching of films and сartoons in english.
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Вдруг учительница придерётся....And of course watching of films and cartoons in english can help me in my studies.
2)I like speaking...this is the most interesting part of classroom activities.When I am speaking I can practiсing my skills of showing ideas,solutions,assumptions,explanations in english. 3)А в какой деятельности??В школьной(предметы)Или касательно самого английского...или вообще....спорт там например
3)I think my forte is speaking.I have rather big vocabulary. I am not afraid of expressing my thoughts.And I am trying to diversify my english.So I can use my speaking with confidence.Написал,что ты очень хорош в говорении)))Надеюсь это правда)))
Answers & Comments
2)Это сам,я не знаю что тебе нравится)
3)Тоже самое
4)I can use my english for reading foreign websites and literature.For speaking with people from different countries.
5)In my opinion,practicing of the speaking with native speakers is the most helpful development of my english.And also is helpful reading of english books.And of course watching of films and сartoons in english.
3)А в какой деятельности??В школьной(предметы)Или касательно самого английского...или вообще....спорт там например