August 2022 1 17 Report
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Jane's New Job

Jane works in the modem office of a large international company. On her desk she has the usual office equipment, such as a telephone, a typewriter, and filing trays for letters and papers. She uses an electronic typewriter, instead of the manual typewriter she used to have, and the company has just bought a computer with a word processor and a printer. With this computer the typist (operator) can type a letter, and then see what she has typed on an electronic screen (display), and correct any mistakes before the printer types the letter. The computer can print many separate copies of a letter and put a different name and address on each one.

If she has to do some calculations, Jane uses an electronic calculator, and there is a photocopier in the office for making copies of letters and other papers.

Jane normally sends letters by post, but if she wants to send a written message quickly she uses the telex. This is a machine like a typewriter: a message is typed, and then another telex machine somewhere else receives the message and types it out again some time later.

A fax machine is more popular now. It makes copies and sends it to any other fax machine you like. Messages can be writ­ten by hand or typed, and include drawings. A fax machine is connected or combined with a telephone, that's why it is also called telefax. The quickest way of sending photo messages is by E-mail (electronic mail).


Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

1. Where does Jane work?

2. What does she use for typing letters and papers?

3. What is there on her desk?

4. What are the advantages of a computer with a word processor?

5. What kind of office equipment is there in your office?

6. What is telefax?

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