переделать данные слова во множественное число:
Speech, rain, bush, mouse, leaf, cat, luggage, jeans, zero, sheep, crisis, formula, half, perfume, woman, woman-driver, thief, sheep, swine, box, tiger, melon, video, roof, ox, fox, egg, piano, dress, life, father-in-law, cactus, glass (стекло), a loaf of bread, datum, sunglasses, furniture, dish , elephant, news, sofa, advice.
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Speeches, rains, bushes, mice, leaves, cats, luggage, jeans, zeroes, sheep, crises, formulas, halves, perfumes, women, women-drivers, thieves, sheep, swine, boxes, tigers, melons, videos, roofs, oxen, foxes, eggs, pianos, dresses, lives, fathers-in-law, cacti, glass (стекло), loaves of bread, data, sunglasses, furniture, dishes, elephants, some pieces of news, sofas, some pieces of advice.