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July 2022
перессказ рассказа О. Генри граф и ''свадебный гость'' (the count and wedding guests)
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Answers & Comments
Andy Donovan was a boarder at Mrs.Scott`s boarding-house.
One evening he came to dinner and Mrs.Scott introduced him to a new boarder, ayoung girl, Miss Conway.
Miss Conway was small and quite simple.
She wore a plain brown dress.
After theintroduction she did not speak to AndyDonovan.
She sat looking at her plate andhe forgot Miss Conway almost at once.
Two weeks later Andy was sitting on thefront steps of the boarding-house, smoking a cigar.
Suddenly somebodycame out.
He turned his head… and hishead turned.
Miss Conway was coming out of the door.
She wore a beautiful black dress and abeautiful black hat.
Her shoes and hergloves were black too.
Her rich goldenhair, and her large grey eyes made heralmost beautiful.
She stood looking abovethe houses across the street up into thesky.
Her eyes were sad.
All in black, andthat sad far-away look and the golden hairshining under the black veil…
Mr. Donovan threw away his unfinishedcigar.
“It`s a fine, clear evening, Miss Conway,” he said.
“ Yes, it is,” answer Miss Conway, “but notfor me, Mr. Donovan.”
“I hope none of your family is…,” saidAndy.
Miss Conway was silent.
At last she said:
“Not my family.
Death has taken from mesomebody who was very, very dear tome… Now I am alone in the world.
And Ihave no friends in this city.”
Andy Donovan did not ask any morequestions and their conversation came toan end.
The more Andy thought of Miss Conwaythe more he was sorry for her.
Once hesaid to her at table:
“It`s hard to be alone in New York.
Youshould go out sometimes to forget yourtrouble.
Do you wish to take a walk in thepark, Miss Conway?
If you allow me…”
“Thank you, Mr. Donovan,” said MissConway.
“I shall be very glad to have yourcompany.
You are very kind.”
While walking in the park Miss Conwaytold Andy her sad story.
His name was Fernando Mazzini and hewas an Italian Count.
He had a lot of landand a villa in Italy.
We were going to getmarried next spring.
Fernando went toItaly to make his villa ready for us.
After heleft I came to New York to get a job.
Threedays ago I received a letter from Italy.
Itsays that Fernando is dead.
He was killedin a gondola accident.
“That is why I am wearing black.
That iswhy I am always sad.
I cannot take andinterest in anybody.
If you wish to walkback to the house, Mr. Donovan, let`s go.”
Andy Donovan did not wish to walk backto the house.
“I am very sorry,” he said softly.
“No, wewon`t go back to the house, not yet.
Anddon`t say that you have no friends in thiscity, Miss Conway.
I`m very, very sorry foryou.
And you must believe that I`m yourfriend.”
"I have a small photograph with me," saidMiss Conway.
"I have never shown it toanybody.
But I will show it to you, Mr. Donovan, because I believe that you aremy friend."
Mr. Donovan looked at the photographwith much interest and for a long time.
The face of Count Manzzini was aninteresting one.
It was a clever face of astrong man.
"I have a larger photo of him in my room," said Miss Conway.
"When we get back tothe house I'll show it to you.
I look at itmany times a day.
He will always bepresent in my heart."
When they came into the hall of theboarding-house she ran up to her roomand brought down a big photograph of thedead man.
"A fine-looking man," said Donovan.
"I likehis face very much.
Miss Conway, may Iask you to come to the theatre with menext Sunday?"
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Answers & Comments
One evening he came to dinner and Mrs.Scott introduced him to a new boarder, ayoung girl, Miss Conway.
Miss Conway was small and quite simple.
She wore a plain brown dress.
After theintroduction she did not speak to AndyDonovan.
She sat looking at her plate andhe forgot Miss Conway almost at once.
Two weeks later Andy was sitting on thefront steps of the boarding-house, smoking a cigar.
Suddenly somebodycame out.
He turned his head… and hishead turned.
Miss Conway was coming out of the door.
She wore a beautiful black dress and abeautiful black hat.
Her shoes and hergloves were black too.
Her rich goldenhair, and her large grey eyes made heralmost beautiful.
She stood looking abovethe houses across the street up into thesky.
Her eyes were sad.
All in black, andthat sad far-away look and the golden hairshining under the black veil…
Mr. Donovan threw away his unfinishedcigar.
“It`s a fine, clear evening, Miss Conway,” he said.
“ Yes, it is,” answer Miss Conway, “but notfor me, Mr. Donovan.”
“I hope none of your family is…,” saidAndy.
Miss Conway was silent.
At last she said:
“Not my family.
Death has taken from mesomebody who was very, very dear tome… Now I am alone in the world.
And Ihave no friends in this city.”
Andy Donovan did not ask any morequestions and their conversation came toan end.
The more Andy thought of Miss Conwaythe more he was sorry for her.
Once hesaid to her at table:
“It`s hard to be alone in New York.
Youshould go out sometimes to forget yourtrouble.
Do you wish to take a walk in thepark, Miss Conway?
If you allow me…”
“Thank you, Mr. Donovan,” said MissConway.
“I shall be very glad to have yourcompany.
You are very kind.”
While walking in the park Miss Conwaytold Andy her sad story.
His name was Fernando Mazzini and hewas an Italian Count.
He had a lot of landand a villa in Italy.
We were going to getmarried next spring.
Fernando went toItaly to make his villa ready for us.
After heleft I came to New York to get a job.
Threedays ago I received a letter from Italy.
Itsays that Fernando is dead.
He was killedin a gondola accident.
“That is why I am wearing black.
That iswhy I am always sad.
I cannot take andinterest in anybody.
If you wish to walkback to the house, Mr. Donovan, let`s go.”
Andy Donovan did not wish to walk backto the house.
“I am very sorry,” he said softly.
“No, wewon`t go back to the house, not yet.
Anddon`t say that you have no friends in thiscity, Miss Conway.
I`m very, very sorry foryou.
And you must believe that I`m yourfriend.”
"I have a small photograph with me," saidMiss Conway.
"I have never shown it toanybody.
But I will show it to you, Mr. Donovan, because I believe that you aremy friend."
Mr. Donovan looked at the photographwith much interest and for a long time.
The face of Count Manzzini was aninteresting one.
It was a clever face of astrong man.
"I have a larger photo of him in my room," said Miss Conway.
"When we get back tothe house I'll show it to you.
I look at itmany times a day.
He will always bepresent in my heart."
When they came into the hall of theboarding-house she ran up to her roomand brought down a big photograph of thedead man.
"A fine-looking man," said Donovan.
"I likehis face very much.
Miss Conway, may Iask you to come to the theatre with menext Sunday?"