Переведите на английский соблюдая past simple, present simpl и порядок слов.
Анджей Сапковский
Анджей Сапковский родился в городе Лодз, Польша. Он обучался в университете города Лодз на факультете внешней торговли. С 1972 по 1994 он работал в области торговли. Он написал фантастический роман "Ведьмак". Его самый популярный персонаж - Геральт из Ривии. У Геральта тяжёлый характер, но он сдержан. У него есть 2 меча. Один из серебра, другой из стали. Он носит защитную одежду. У него есть медальён волка
Answers & Comments
Andrzej Sapkowski was born in Lodz, Poland. He studied at the University of Lodz at the Faculty of Foreign Trade. From 1972 to 1994 he worked in the field of trade. He wrote the science fiction novel The Witcher. His most popular character is Geralt of Rivia. Geralt has a heavy character, but he is restrained. He has 2 swords. One of silver, the other of steel. He is wearing protective clothing. He has a wolf medal
Andrzej Sapkowski
Andrzej Sapkowski was born in Lodz, Poland. He studied at the University of Lodz at the Faculty of Foreign Trade. From 1972 to 1994 he worked in the field of trade. He wrote the science fiction novel The Witcher. His most popular character is Geralt of Rivia. Geralt has a heavy character, but he is restrained. He has 2 swords. One of silver, the other of steel. He is wearing protective clothing. He has a wolf medal.