Переведите на русский пожалуйста, заранее спасибо: 

Deep in your heart there was once a diamond shining bright
Every dark place you passed by turned into light
But somebody broke into your heart and blew out your lights
And your sparkling little diamond turned pale overnight

What the hell has become of that pretty girl so sweet and nice
Where have remaind your insatiable thirst after life
Girl what ever they have done to you, where ever you are
No ever so big force on earth could kill a burning hearts

Shine on, shine on
Don't let the bastards drag you down
Shine on, like a torch burns in a storm
Shine on and on, and keep the fire burnings
Shine on, shine on, shine on

Your train ran off the rails, hey girl you didn't lay the tracks
If you wanna reach for the sky you have to go through hell and back
Don't deliver girl, let me take you by the hand
At the end of the rainbow the way of cross still ends

Shine on, shine on
Don't let the bastards drag you down
Shine on, like a torch burns in a storm
Shine on and on, and keep the fire burnings
Shine on, shine on, shine on

Shine on, shine on, shine on
Shine on, shine on, shine on
Shine on, shine on, shine on
Shine on, shine on, shine on
Don't let the bastards drag you down

Shine on, shine on
Don't let the bastards drag you down
Shine on, like a torch burns in a storm
Shine on and on, and keep the fire burnings
Shine on, shine on, shine on

Shine on, shine on, shine on
Don't let the bastards drag you down
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