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A smart little Bird flew to a house in the country because she wanted to have breakfast. She ran from one room to another and suddenly she saw a big
grey Cat. The Cat jumped and caught the Bird. "Now I can have a nice breakfast," the Cat said.
"You can't have breakfast now," said the Bird. "You must wash first. The farmer and his family always wash their hands before breakfast. You live in their house and you must do what they do."
"All right," the Cat said. "I live with the farmer's family and in their house, and I must do what they do."
And the Cat opened his mouth and began to wash. But when he was clean and wanted to begin his breakfast, he did not find the bird. The smart little Bird flew away. She was in the garden in a tall tree. She was happy and began to sing.
"Now I see," the cat said." I must wash, but I must wash after dinner." And now all cats wash after dinner.
Answers & Comments
"Хорошо", сказала Кошка. "Я живу с семьей фермера и в их доме, и я должна сделать то, что они делают".
Кошка открыла свой рот и начала мыться. Но когда она был чистая и хотела начать завтрак, она не находила птицу. Умная маленькая птичка улетела. Она была в саду в высоком дереве. Она была счастлива и начала петь.
"Теперь я вижу", кошка сказала". Я должна мыться, но я должна вымыться после ужина". И теперь все кошки должны мыться после ужина.