Переведите пожалуйста. Срочно надо. In Ireland, long time ago, there was a young boy, Finn, the greatest and most skilful warrior ever known. the only skills he had to learn were the art of compromising and reciting poetry and the gift of wisdom. One day Finn was sent to a wise old man who lived by the River Boyne. For seven years he had been trying to catch the sacred Salmon of Knowledge, because it was believed that the first to taste this salmon would get all the wisdom of the world. On Monday Finn caught the salmon but should give the first piece to the old man. Finn agreed and began cooking the salmon over an open fire. When Finn was going to turn the salmon over cook it on the other side, he burn his thumb on its hot scales and immediately put his thumb into his mouth to cool it. Of course, when he did this he tasted the salmon and got all the knowledge in the world. After that whenever Finn wanted to solve any problem, he had to suck his trumb!

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