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Профессия «налоговый
Налоговый инспектор работает в налоговой
службе государства, и основная задача, которую он выполняет, – это контроль за
уплатой налогов юридическими и физическими лицами. При обнаружении нарушений в
сроках или размерах уплаты налогов на ответственное лицо могут быть наложены
штрафы, а также возбуждено уголовное дело.
Для работы по профессии потребуются следующие
знания и навыки:
- знание налогового законодательства;
- знание основ бухгалтерского учета;
- внимание и скрупулезное отношение к цифрам;
- склонность к учетно-аналитической работе;
- хорошая сосредоточенность и концентрация
Меня же перспектива профессии привлекла своей
многогранностью. Что бы быть инспектором, кроме экономической специальности,
необходимо иметь навыки работы с людьми, аналитические способности, хорошую
память, обладать такими качествами как ответственность, честность и
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
Profession "tax inspector "Tax inspector working in the tax service of the state, and the main task he performs - this control taxes paid by legal entities and individuals. If you observe problems the timing or size of income tax by the person in charge may be imposed fines, and a criminal case.
To work in the profession need the following knowledge and skills:
- Knowledge of tax laws;
- Basic knowledge of accounting;
- Attention and meticulous attitude to the figures;
- A tendency to accounting and analytical work;
- Good focus and concentration attention.
I have the same perspective of their profession attracted versatility. What would be the inspector, except for economic specialization, need to have people skills, analytical skills, good memory, possess such qualities as responsibility, honesty and demands.
Verified answer
A taxinspector works in the State Tax Service and his main task is to ensure that organizationsand individuals pay taxes at the right time. In case of failure to comply withthe requirements concerning due date or the correct amount of tax, a responsible person canbe fined and prosecuted.To work asa tax inspector, a person should have the following knowledge and skills:- knowledgeof tax laws;
- knowledgeof the basics of accounting;
- attentionand meticulous attitude to figures;
- aptitude for analytical work;
- good concentrationand attention focusing.
As for me,I was attracted by the versatility of this profession. To be a tax inspector,you must have people skills, analytical skills, and a good memory not to mentionthe knowledge of accounting. You must also be responsible, honest and strict.