.Переведите предложения на английский язык и составьте по ним специальный вопрос и вопрос к подлежащему.
1. Январь – самый холодный месяц. __________________________________________________
2. Лето – самое лучшее время года для меня. __________________________________________
3. Весна приятнее, чем осень. _______________________________________________________
4. Весна не такая же дождливая, как осень. ____________________________________________
5. Погода сегодня лучше, чем вчера.__________________________________________________
6. Лето – самое жаркое время года. ___________________________________________________
7. Весна такая же прохладная, как осень.______________________________________________
8. Осень красивее, чем зима. ________________________________________________________
9. Июль – самый жаркий месяц. _____________________________________________________
10. Октябрь прохладнее, чем сентябрь. ___________________
Answers & Comments
1. January is the coldest month. __________________________________________________
what is the coldest month؟
2. Summer is the best time of the year for me. __________________________________________
which is the best time of the year for me؟
3. Spring is more pleasant than autumn. _______________________________________________________
which season is more pleasant than autumn؟
4. Spring is not as rainy as autumn. ____________________________________________
which season is not as rainy as autumn؟
5. the weather today is better than yesterday . _____________________________________________
what today is better than yesterday؟
6. Summer is the hottest time of the year. ___________________________________________________
which season is the hottest of the year؟
7. Spring is as cold as autumn.______________________________________________
which season is cold as autumn؟
8. Autumn is more beautiful than winter. ________________________________________________________
which season is more beautiful than winter؟
9. July is the hottest month. _____________________________________________________
which month is the hottest ؟
10. October is colder than September. __________________________________________
which month is colder than September؟