It is common knowledge that nowadays a lot ofstudents have part-time jobs.However, there are some people who doubt the benefits of combining work and studies.Let us examine this issue in details.In my opinion, part-time job is a good way for students to improve their practical and e-management skills as well as their self-discipline and self-confidence.To begin with, working students know how to balance their work and studics Secondly, they learn to weigh their priorities.For instance, they spend less time playing computer games or watching TV Thirdly, they develop teamwork and communication skills.Moreover, students who have some kind of work experience on their resumes look more impressive for their prospective cmployers.Finally, students who eam money feel more confident and independent However, there are those who argue that students who have part-time jobs face a decline in academic performance and fall behind the schedule.In their opinion, students should concentrate on their studies rather than on earning money.Personally, I completely disagree with this statement.I believe that part-time job does not have a negative influence on studies.Otherwise, it helps students become more organized and responsible.Taking into consideration all mentioned above, I am absolutely convinced that the benefits that a student cao obtain from a part-time job greatly outweigh its drawbacks.And although it can be challenging to combine work and studies, working students tend to be better planners and have good progress in studies
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