August 2022 1 29 Report
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The word "Police" means the arrangements
made in all civilized countries to ensure that the
people keep the peace and obey the law. The word
also denotes the force of peace officers (or police)
employed for this purpose.
In 1829 Sir Richard Mayne wrote: "The
primary object of an efficient police is the
prevention of crime: the next that of detection and
punishment of offenders if crime is committed. To
this all the efforts of police must be directed. The
protection of life and property, the preservation of public peace, and the
absence of crime, will alone prove whether those efforts have been
successful and whether the objects for which the police were appointed have
been attained1
In police work much depends on the co-operation of the public, and this
is always determined by the respect in which the police are held. One of the
key principles of modern policing in Britain is that the police seek to work
with the people as part of the community.
Police is the body of agents organized to keep civil order and public
safety, enforce the law, and investigate crime. Characteristics common to
most police forces include a quasi-military organization, a uniformed patrol
and traffic-control force, plainclothes divisions for criminal investigations,
and enforcement priorities that reflect the community's way of life.
Administration may be centralized at the national level, or decentralized
with autonomous local police forces. Recruits usually receive specialized
training and take an exam. The modern metropolitan (London) police force

1 to attain – ɞɨɛɢɜɚɬɶɫɹ, ɞɨɫɬɢɝɚɬɶ
began with Sir Robert Peel, the state secretary in Britain in 1829. These
Police officers are often referred to as ´Bobbies´ due to the fact that it was
Sir Robert (Bobby) Peel who authorized Metropolitan Police. They were
regarded as the forerunners2
of a modern Police force and became a model for
the police forces in most countries, such as the United States. Bobbies can still
be found in many parts of the world (British ex-colonies, for example).
Do you know that "The Old Bill" or "The Bill" is used as slang names for
the police? What is the origin of this funny name? The simple answer is that
no one really knows for sure. "Old Bill" was King William IV, whose
constables were an early form of police. In 1619 the constables of the watch
referred to themselves as 'us peacemakers and all our bill of authority'. New
laws for the police used to come and keep coming from bills passed through
Parliament. Constables of the watch were sometimes nicknamed for the
they carried as weapons. So choose the explanation you like the
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