Я могу только написать какова бы была моя жизнь без гаджетов
One day I dream of spending a day without the gadgets that are firmly embedded in our lives. This day I will spend in the circle of close people. I'll wake up early in the morning, make breakfast. Together with my parents, we will drink tea, and then go for a walk. We'll take a walk in the park, ride on the rides.
We'll be home by lunchtime. We'll eat together. After lunch, I'll read a book and look through educational magazines. I'm going to visit my grandparents tonight. We'll play board games and tell you about our week. Then I'll go home, take a shower, go to bed. A day without gadgets will be long, sincere, and happy.
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Я могу только написать какова бы была моя жизнь без гаджетов
One day I dream of spending a day without the gadgets that are firmly embedded in our lives. This day I will spend in the circle of close people. I'll wake up early in the morning, make breakfast. Together with my parents, we will drink tea, and then go for a walk. We'll take a walk in the park, ride on the rides.
We'll be home by lunchtime. We'll eat together. After lunch, I'll read a book and look through educational magazines. I'm going to visit my grandparents tonight. We'll play board games and tell you about our week. Then I'll go home, take a shower, go to bed. A day without gadgets will be long, sincere, and happy.