ПЛИЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ 3) На основе приведенных слов и словосочетаний постройте предложения,
соблюдая правильный порядок слов:
1. always, at nine o'clock, out of the garage, in the morning, gets, his car, he
2. a parking place, near the shops, they, find, rarely
4. sometimes, in a garage, Mr Hodges, his car, parks
5. fly, with my parents, to Florida, sometimes, I, in winter
6. often, have, at about three o'clock, a cup of tea, they, at the hotel, in the afternoon
7. meet, at the bar, they, after dinner, always, their friends
8. enjoys, very much, swimming, in our pool, always, in the morning, she
Answers & Comments
1. He always gets out of the garage his car at nine o'clock in the morning
2. They rarely find a parking place near the shops
4. Mr Hodges sometimes parks his car in a garage
5. I sometimes fly to Florida with my parents in winter
6. They often have a cup of tea at the hotel at about three o'clock in the afternoon
7. They always meet their friends at the bar after dinner
8. She always enjoys swimming in our pool very much in the morning