помгите, нужно написать про свою любимую известную личность. 5 класс
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Моя любимая известная личность - Джонни Депп. Он актёр в различных фильмах. Впервые я увидел его в Пиратах Карибского Моря когда мне было 10 лет и я смотрел телевизор. После этого я посмотрел вторую часть этого фильма и я был очень впечатлён. Я стал его фанатом и обнаружил что у него уже было множество классных работ. Например он сыграл Безумного Шляпника в "Алиса в стране чудес", я видел его в "Чарли и Шоколадная фабрика". Позже один друг сказал мне что он также даёт голоса персонажам мультфильмов - Виктор в "Труп Невесты". Я не понимаю, почему у него всё еще нет Оскаров. Я действительно очень его люблю и не могу дождаться новых фильмов.
My favourite famous person is Johnny Depp. He is an actor in different movies. First time I saw him in Pirates of the Caribbean when I was ten years old and I watched TV. After that I watched a second part of this film and I was really impressed. I became his fan and I discovered that he already had a lot of cool works in famous films. For example he played The Mad Hatter in "Alice in wonderland", I saw him in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Later one friend told me that he's also giving his voice to cartoon characters - Victor in "Corpse Bride". I don't understand why he still has no "Oscars". I really love him and I can't wait for his new films.
Answers & Comments
My favourite famous person is Johnny Depp. He is an actor in different movies. First time I saw him in Pirates of the Caribbean when I was ten years old and I watched TV. After that I watched a second part of this film and I was really impressed. I became his fan and I discovered that he already had a lot of cool works in famous films. For example he played The Mad Hatter in "Alice in wonderland", I saw him in "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". Later one friend told me that he's also giving his voice to cartoon characters - Victor in "Corpse Bride". I don't understand why he still has no "Oscars". I really love him and I can't wait for his new films.