5 Read the text about 'hot dogs'. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Sausages are popular food nowadays. They were popular in ancient times, too. In the 1400 in Germany and Austria appeared new kinds of sausages - the frankfurter and the weiner. They got their names after the city of Frankfurt in Germany, and Vienna, the capital of Austria. When the first Germans and Austrians came to America, they brought the frankfurters and the wieners with them. These sausages became very popular with the Americans: they were very tasty and appetizing. These little sausages looked like a dachshund, a long skinny dog. That's why Americans called the sausages 'dachshund sausages'. Later, funny 'dachshund sausages' became characters of many cartoons. They could talk and bark, they acted like animals and people. In the cartoons those barking and talking 'dachshund sausages' were called 'hot dogs'. Do you like the story of hot dogs?
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5 Read the text about 'hot dogs'. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
Sausages are popular food nowadays. They were popular in ancient times, too. In the 1400 in Germany and Austria appeared new kinds of sausages - the frankfurter and the weiner. They got their names after the city of Frankfurt in Germany, and Vienna, the capital of Austria. When the first Germans and Austrians came to America, they brought the frankfurters and the wieners with them. These sausages became very popular with the Americans: they were very tasty and appetizing. These little sausages looked like a dachshund, a long skinny dog. That's why Americans called the sausages 'dachshund sausages'. Later, funny 'dachshund sausages' became characters of many cartoons. They could talk and bark, they acted like animals and people. In the cartoons those barking and talking 'dachshund sausages' were called 'hot dogs'. Do you like the story of hot dogs?
popular, hot dogs, food, characters, sausages, America, cartoons, could, Americans, names, capital, long, tasty