Помогите! Нужно раскрыть скобки и поставить глаголы в правильные времена!
Answers & Comments
1 is talking 2 decorated 3 takes, has, goes 4 toke 5 lives 6 started 7 was cooking 8 catchs 9 is clining 10 tried 11 have working 12 bought 13 leaf 14 came, changed, went 15 walked 16 went 17 had doing , played 18 work
Answers & Comments
2 decorated
3 takes, has, goes
4 toke
5 lives
6 started
7 was cooking
8 catchs
9 is clining
10 tried
11 have working
12 bought
13 leaf
14 came, changed, went
15 walked
16 went
17 had doing , played
18 work