Помогите перевести: На счёт того какой тип визы будете делать, если это не мульти. Ответ необходимо дать сегодня. Есть однократная и двукратная виза (сроком на 1 или 3 месяца)
Answers & Comments
As to what type of visa I will do if it is not multi. The answer should be given today. There are single and double entry visas (valid for 1 or 3 months).
So, what kind of visa you will make if it is not multi. It is necessary to give your answer today. There are single and double visas (on 1 or 3 mounth)
Answers & Comments
Verified answer
So, what kind of visa you will make if it is not multi. It is necessary to give your answer today. There are single and double visas (on 1 or 3 mounth)