Диана821356Написать короткое письмо вашему другу о том, что вы и ваша семья будете делать сегодня(50-60 слов) Вы можете использовать упражнение 2,как пример
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а я не знала. я не понимаю задание поэтому я прошу помочь
Hello my friend!Today I and my family have a nice day. In the morning we are eating tasty porridge. After breakfast I am fashed the plates and cleaned teeth. My mother cleaned room. My Father walked with dog. After housework we go to the zoo. We have seen tropical animal and birds: lions , crocodiles, parrots, flamingos, giraffes and many others. It was amazing. In evening we returned home. We ate fish with vegetables and went to watch TV. At 9:00 p.m. I am went to bed. I liked this dayBuy.
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Вы можете использовать упражнение 2,как пример