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July 2022
Помогите пожалуйста кто знает! составьте 9 предложений по каждому с этими словами Always, usually, often, sometimes, occasionally, seldom, rarely, never.Очень срочно!
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Answers & Comments
That woman always cheated on her husband.
Fred is always telling lies.
We can always count on Tom.
I've always played with my brother.
My team is always losing.
I always win.
Tom doesn't always go to bed before midnight.
Isn't that what you always wanted?
Why are you two always fighting?
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I usually study math in the evening.
A trilogy usually has three parts.
What time do you usually get up?
Tom and Mary usually speak French to each other.
What time do you usually go to bed?
What do your children usually eat for breakfast?
People don't usually swim around here. The water's not too clean.
I usually get up at about six-thirty.
I usually read while I eat.
Tom doesn't often make mistakes.
A totally ordered set is often called a "chain".
Language textbooks often feature only good people.
How often do you see your godparents?
Children often bother their parents.
Tom often forgets to lock the front door.
How often does Tom play hockey?
We often went skiing in the winter.
Does Tom often come here?
I sometimes hear my father singing in the bath.
Sometimes our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to be.
Cats sometimes chew on plants.
Sometimes the nights are cool.
He is sometimes absent from school.
I sometimes dream of home.
He sometimes comes home late .
In other cultures, the balls were filled with earth, grain, bits and pieces of plants, and sometimes even pieces of metal.
It is very hard, and sometimes very dangerous, to be an astronaut.
his old art flashed out occasionally
the garbage that occasionally passes fort art
garbage that occasionally passes for art
occasionally applied load
occasionally connected computing
pickerel would occasionally arrow surface
stir occasionally
very occasionally
occasionally interrupted circuit
Tom seldom drinks coffee.
Seldom does he get angry.
I seldom hear from him.
Now I seldom go to the movies.
It seldom snows here in the winter.
Tom seldom wears a hat.
He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.
Tom seldom puts sugar in his coffee.
He seldom writes to his parents.
She rarely goes out.
Mary rarely wears dresses.
Tom is rarely late.
I rarely get out on weekends.
Always something new, but rarely something good.
Dad rarely gets back home before midnight.
When I started traveling, I rarely felt lonely.
She is rarely late for appointments.
We rarely have soup.
I know of a city whose inhabitants never smoked.
I never forget anything.
She'd never been this frightened before.
I've never asked you for anything.
I'd never do something like that.
Tom never told Mary where he hid the stolen diamonds.
You never told us why you left Boston.
Do abbots mow hay? Never do abbots mow hay! Abbots pray.
Tom never knew what happened.
Удачи )))
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Answers & Comments
Fred is always telling lies.
We can always count on Tom.
I've always played with my brother.
My team is always losing.
I always win.
Tom doesn't always go to bed before midnight.
Isn't that what you always wanted?
Why are you two always fighting?
A trilogy usually has three parts.
What time do you usually get up?
Tom and Mary usually speak French to each other.
What time do you usually go to bed?
What do your children usually eat for breakfast?
People don't usually swim around here. The water's not too clean.
I usually get up at about six-thirty.
I usually read while I eat.
A totally ordered set is often called a "chain".
Language textbooks often feature only good people.
How often do you see your godparents?
Children often bother their parents.
Tom often forgets to lock the front door.
How often does Tom play hockey?
We often went skiing in the winter.
Does Tom often come here?
Sometimes our prayers aren't answered the way we want them to be.
Cats sometimes chew on plants.
Sometimes the nights are cool.
He is sometimes absent from school.
I sometimes dream of home.
He sometimes comes home late .
In other cultures, the balls were filled with earth, grain, bits and pieces of plants, and sometimes even pieces of metal.
It is very hard, and sometimes very dangerous, to be an astronaut.
the garbage that occasionally passes fort art
garbage that occasionally passes for art
occasionally applied load
occasionally connected computing
pickerel would occasionally arrow surface
stir occasionally
very occasionally
occasionally interrupted circuit
Seldom does he get angry.
I seldom hear from him.
Now I seldom go to the movies.
It seldom snows here in the winter.
Tom seldom wears a hat.
He that is discontented in one place will seldom be happy in another.
Tom seldom puts sugar in his coffee.
He seldom writes to his parents.
Mary rarely wears dresses.
Tom is rarely late.
I rarely get out on weekends.
Always something new, but rarely something good.
Dad rarely gets back home before midnight.
When I started traveling, I rarely felt lonely.
She is rarely late for appointments.
We rarely have soup.
I never forget anything.
She'd never been this frightened before.
I've never asked you for anything.
I'd never do something like that.
Tom never told Mary where he hid the stolen diamonds.
You never told us why you left Boston.
Do abbots mow hay? Never do abbots mow hay! Abbots pray.
Tom never knew what happened.