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7) Здесь спрашивается, живет ли Александр (автор письма) в Твери. В тексте сказано лишь о том, что в Твери учится его брат, а о том, где живёт он сам, информации нет. Я думаю, тут надо опираться на адрес отправителя (его на отсканированном документе не видно, надеюсь мы сможете посмотреть сами). Адрес отправителя должен быть указан в правом верхнем углу. 8) His father works at hospital, but mother doesn't. She is an engineer. 9) His grandparents give lectures at university and write scientific books. 10) Boys' mother arrenges his free time. 11) He goes shopping and cleans the rooms. 12) Alexander thinks that family is the most important thing for every person and the family are people who will always love and support you.
Answers & Comments
8) His father works at hospital, but mother doesn't. She is an engineer.
9) His grandparents give lectures at university and write scientific books.
10) Boys' mother arrenges his free time.
11) He goes shopping and cleans the rooms.
12) Alexander thinks that family is the most important thing for every person and the family are people who will always love and support you.