Present Continuos (Простое настоящее время) образуется с помощью To Be (amтолько с 'I',isс it,he,she;и are,если множественное число) + глагол с окончанием -ing
2. Is your mum working now? Yes, she is
3. Are your friends studying now? No, they are not
4. Are your grandparents having a dinner now? Yes, they are
5. Are your teacher telling you a story now? Yes, she is
6. What are you doing now? I'm reading
7. What is your pet doing now? He's playing
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спасибо большое, может вы и второе задание посмотрите?)
я отредактировала ответ, сделав и второе упражнение. Готово :)
Answers & Comments
2. are sitting
3. am writing
4. is hiking
5. are playing
6. are learning
7. are studying
8. are swimming
Present Continuos (Простое настоящее время) образуется с помощью To Be (am только с 'I', is с it, he, she; и are, если множественное число) + глагол с окончанием -ing
2. Is your mum working now? Yes, she is
3. Are your friends studying now? No, they are not
4. Are your grandparents having a dinner now? Yes, they are
5. Are your teacher telling you a story now? Yes, she is
6. What are you doing now? I'm reading
7. What is your pet doing now? He's playing