thirteen thousand six hundred thitry-eight, five hundred three, forty-six million two hundred ninety-six thousand three hundred seventy-seven
Task 2
hundreds of books, a thousand people, five hundred houses, five milion dollars, milions of cars
Task 3
thirty-first, sixty-eighth, ninth, fortieth, three hundred and fifth
Task 4
on the second of April, on the twenty-second of May, on the twelfth of March, in 1505 (fifteen O five), in 2005 (two thousand five), in 1960 (in nineteen sixty)
Answers & Comments
Task 1
thirteen thousand six hundred thitry-eight, five hundred three, forty-six million two hundred ninety-six thousand three hundred seventy-seven
Task 2
hundreds of books, a thousand people, five hundred houses, five milion dollars, milions of cars
Task 3
thirty-first, sixty-eighth, ninth, fortieth, three hundred and fifth
Task 4
on the second of April, on the twenty-second of May, on the twelfth of March, in 1505 (fifteen O five), in 2005 (two thousand five), in 1960 (in nineteen sixty)
Taks 5
it's quarter past two
it's twenty to five
it's half past six