October 2021 2 27 Report
Помогите пожалуйста! Я написала диалоги, но в английском я профан. Исправьте, пожалуйста, грамматические ошибки и, может, дополнить чем-нибудь можете. Помогите сделать диалоги более "живыми".

1) Problems with tenage children:
- Hi, Monika
- Hi, Clara
- I have a problem!
- What happiened?
- I think i feel in love with Jack.
- Where is the problem?
- He's so handsome and smart. He doesen't attention to me.
- Don't be silly. I saw how he lokked at you. I think he like you.
- O realy? Great, thank you!
- I's my pleasure

2) A wedding
- Kaley, you remember our parents anniversary is coming us soon?
- Let's think about what to get them.
- I have some Ideas. I  remember that mum wanted to take a holiday. But we don't have a lot money.
- I think it would be a good dea to buy two tichets for a theater. That not very expensive, but interesting. I think they'll have a nice time.
- Good idea!

3) A visit to the dentist
- Hi, doctor Phil.
- Hello, mr Freema. What wrong?
- I have a severe toothache.
- Ok. Sit down and open you' mounth.
- Do you think it's seriosly?
- Nope, but you have visit to me after a week.
- Thank's, doctor.
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