October 2021 1 5 Report
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(Заполните пробелы одним из приведенных выше слов. Добавьте необходимые окончания к глаголам) 12. Fill in the gaps with one of the words above. Add the necessary endings to the verbs (-s, -ed). Слова выше прилагаю в фотографии 1) First we ___ the room, then ___ how much wallpaper we needed to decorate it. 2) He asked the shop assistant to ___ a kilo of sugar. 3) The doctor ___ the patient’s temperature. 4) He tried to ___ how much he had spent on gasoline. 5) There are special machines which ___ money. 6) Meteorologists ___ atmospheric pressure (давление) every day. 7) It is hard work to ___ the surface area of a continent. 8) Water clock ___ time by the fall or flow of water. 9) He always ___ how much sugar the family consume (потребляет) a week. 10) Ammeter (амперметр) ___ direct (постоянный) and alternating (переменный) current (ток) with accuracies of from 0.1 to 0.25 percent. 11) Harkins made one of the first attempts (попытки) to ___ the proportions of elements in the universe. 12) Magnetometer ___ magnetic field. 13) She ___ the room before buying the carpet.
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